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Mandag - Fredag: 10-18
Lørdag: 10-15

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Schubert Echos. CD
Schubert Echos. CD

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Giacchino Michael: Lost Season 4
Giacchino Michael: Lost Season 4
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Mest populære
1.Bach. Johannespassion. Concerto Copenhagen. Lars Ulrik Mortensen (2 CD)
2.Lise Davidsen. Beethoven, Verdi, Wagner.
3.Mozart x 3. Elsa Dreisig synger arier fra Da Ponte operaer
4.Tonny Landy: Danske sange
5.Anna Netrebko. Amate Dalle Tenebre. Riccardo Chailly
6.Schubert. Die schöne Müllerin. Konstantin Krimmel, baritone
7.Grieg. Lieder. Lise Davidsen. Leif Ove Andsnes
8.Bent Sørensen. Matthæuspassionen
9.Jakob Lorentzen: Danish Choral Music. Holmens Kirke
10.Jonas Kaufmann. The Tenor. Lieder og arier
Udsolgte varer

Vaughan Williams. Kor og vokal samling (9 CD)

 Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
Choral & Vocal Collection
9 CDs

    An Oxford Elegy; Whitsunday Hymn; Flos campi; Sancta Civitas; On Wenlock Edge; Songs of Travel; The House of Life; Messe in g-moll; Fantasia on Christmas Carols; Hodie (Christmas Cantata);5 Tudor Portraits; Benedicite; 5 "Dives & Lazarus"-Variationen; Toward the Unknown Region; Dona nobis pacem; Fantasia on the Old 104th Psalm Tune; Magnificat
    +Orchesterwerke: Partita; Concerto grosso; Fantasia on a Theme by Tallis; Romance in Dis; The Lark Ascending
    +Finzi: Lo, the full, final Sacrifice op. 26; God is gone up; Magnificat
    +Bax: Mater ora filium; I sing of a maiden that is makeless; This Worldes Joie
    +Elgar: Pleading op. 48, 1; 3 Songs op. 59; 2 Songs op. 60
    +Butterworth: Love blows as the wind blows; 6 Songs from "A Shrophire Lad"
    +Gurney: Down by the Salley Gardens; An Epitaph; Desire in Spring; Black Stitchel
    +Ireland: The Land of Lost Content
    +Warlock: A Prayer to St. Anthony; The Sick Heart; My Own Country; Passing By; Pretty Ring Time Johnson, Tear, Allen, Eaton, Baker, Lewis, Bainbridge, Watts, Ambrosian Singers, King's College Choir, Bach Choir, City of Birmingham SO, London SO, London PO, Willcocks, Boult, Cleobury, Rattle, Handley

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Produktet blev oprettet torsdag 30 januar, 2025.
Danacord Butik | Vognmagergade 9 | 1120 København K | CVR nummer: 72 91 10 16
E-mailadresse: daco@danacord.dk | Telefon: +45 33 11 22 51