Butikkens åbningstider

Mandag - Fredag: 10-18
Lørdag: 10-15

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Mozart. Cosi fan tutte. Arr. for Wind Quintet. CD
Mozart. Cosi fan tutte. Arr. for Wind Quintet. CD

Tilbud  Mere
Giacchino Michael: Land Of The Lost
Giacchino Michael: Land Of The Lost
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Mest populære
1.Bach. Johannespassion. Concerto Copenhagen. Lars Ulrik Mortensen (2 CD)
2.Lise Davidsen. Beethoven, Verdi, Wagner.
3.Mozart x 3. Elsa Dreisig synger arier fra Da Ponte operaer
4.Tonny Landy: Danske sange
5.Anna Netrebko. Amate Dalle Tenebre. Riccardo Chailly
6.Schubert. Die schöne Müllerin. Konstantin Krimmel, baritone
7.Grieg. Lieder. Lise Davidsen. Leif Ove Andsnes
8.Bent Sørensen. Matthæuspassionen
9.Jakob Lorentzen: Danish Choral Music. Holmens Kirke
10.Jonas Kaufmann. The Tenor. Lieder og arier
Udsolgte varer

Vokalmusik 2

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    Varenavn   Pris 
..Wo Die Zitronen Blühn. Songs for Choir and Piano. CD
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..Wo Die Zitronen Blühn. Songs for Choir and Piano. CD
21 Great Anthems & Choruses. CD
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21 Great Anthems & Choruses. CD
24 Hymns from Cambridge. Choir of Trinity College
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24 Hymns from Cambridge. Choir of Trinity College
3 franske sangcyklusser af Dupont, Hahn og Fauré. Charlotte De Rothschild, sopran
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3 franske sangcyklusser af Dupont, Hahn og Fauré. Charlotte De Rothschild, sopran
A Bird Fancyer´s Delight. Sonorita
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A Bird Fancyer´s Delight. Sonorita
A Gentle Tenor. Italienske Kantater af Carl Heinrich Graun. Aco Biscevic
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A Gentle Tenor. Italienske Kantater af Carl Heinrich Graun. Aco Biscevic
A Nativity Sequence. CD
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A Nativity Sequence. CD
A Song In The Wood. Britten, Head, Quilter, Duo Daluna
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A Song In The Wood. Britten, Head, Quilter, Duo Daluna
A Te, Puccini. Arier med Angela Gheorghiu
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A Te, Puccini. Arier med Angela Gheorghiu
A Tribute To Pauline Viardot. Marina Viotti, Christophe Rousset
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A Tribute To Pauline Viardot. Marina Viotti, Christophe Rousset
Abendlob Und Morgenglanz. Rachmaninov.  Ganznächtliche Vigil Op. 37. CD
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Abendlob Und Morgenglanz. Rachmaninov. Ganznächtliche Vigil Op. 37. CD
Adrian Boult The Decca Legacy. Vol 2 Baroque (13 CD)
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Adrian Boult The Decca Legacy. Vol 2 Baroque (13 CD)
Agora Muda Tudo. Now Everything Changes. CD
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Agora Muda Tudo. Now Everything Changes. CD
Agostino Steffani. A Life for the Opera. Silvia Frigato, sopran
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Agostino Steffani. A Life for the Opera. Silvia Frigato, sopran
Album für die Frau. Lieder af Clara og Robert Schumann
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Album für die Frau. Lieder af Clara og Robert Schumann
Alessandro Stradella. Oratorium Santa Editta. Il Groviglio
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Alessandro Stradella. Oratorium Santa Editta. Il Groviglio
All You Need: Staffan Biörklund-Jullander. 3 CD
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All You Need: Staffan Biörklund-Jullander. 3 CD
all´amore immenso; Celestial & Worldly Love from the Two Maries. CD
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all´amore immenso; Celestial & Worldly Love from the Two Maries. CD
Alma Mahler. Samtlige klaverlieder. Caluwaerts. Shirinyan
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Alma Mahler. Samtlige klaverlieder. Caluwaerts. Shirinyan
Amate Stelle. Arias for Anna Maria Strada. Marie Lys, sopran
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Amate Stelle. Arias for Anna Maria Strada. Marie Lys, sopran
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Danacord Butik | Vognmagergade 9 | 1120 København K | CVR nummer: 72 91 10 16
E-mailadresse: daco@danacord.dk | Telefon: +45 33 11 22 51