Butikkens åbningstider

Mandag - Fredag: 10-18
Lørdag: 10-15

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Ruth Gipps. Symfoni nr 1. Hornkoncert. Rumon Gamba
Ruth Gipps. Symfoni nr 1. Hornkoncert. Rumon Gamba

Tilbud  Mere
Giacchino Michael: Lost Season 4
Giacchino Michael: Lost Season 4
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Mest populære
1.Bentzon Niels Viggo: Organisazione
2.Nørgård m.fl.: Contemporary Danish
3.Hans Abrahamsen: Strygekvartetter 1-4
4.Kanding/Bretschneider. Contemporánea. Auxiliary Blue
5.Geoffrey Gordon. Cello Libris. Toke Møldrup
6.Peteris Vasks. Cellokoncert. Musica Serena Musica Dolorosa
7.Anna Clyne. Mythologies. BBC Symf. ork. Marin Alsop, Sakari Oramo
8.Niklas Sivelöv. Orkestermusik. Malmö Operaorkester. Joachim Gustafsson, dirigent
9.Steingrimur Rohloff. Medea/Lysistrata
10.Ying-Hsueh Chen. Dark Radiance. Kammermusik for slagtøj
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    Varenavn   Pris 
( Speak To Me ) new music, new politics. Musik af Gershwin, Rzewski, Kirsten , Malone og Gould. Adam Swayne, klaver
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( Speak To Me ) new music, new politics. Musik af Gershwin, Rzewski, Kirsten , Malone og Gould. Adam Swayne, klaver
...nobody move.... Sarah Bob spiller ny musik i The New Gallery Concert Series
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...nobody move.... Sarah Bob spiller ny musik i The New Gallery Concert Series
20th Century Russian Accordion Sonatas. CD
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20th Century Russian Accordion Sonatas. CD
Adam Porebski. First Command. CD
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Adam Porebski. First Command. CD
Adam Wesolowski. Industrially. CD
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Adam Wesolowski. Industrially. CD
Alea Iacta Est. Andrea & Damiano Mercadante. CD
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Alea Iacta Est. Andrea & Damiano Mercadante. CD
Allemeier, John: Deep Water - The Murder Ballads
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Allemeier, John: Deep Water - The Murder Ballads
Amram, David: Chamber Music - Live at the New York Chamber Music Festival
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Amram, David: Chamber Music - Live at the New York Chamber Music Festival
Andres Linetzkys Vale Tango. My Choice. CD
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Andres Linetzkys Vale Tango. My Choice. CD
Andrew Hamilton. Music for people...
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Andrew Hamilton. Music for people...
Andrzej Karalow. Through. CD
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Andrzej Karalow. Through. CD
Anna Clyne. Mythologies. BBC Symf. ork. Marin Alsop, Sakari Oramo
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Anna Clyne. Mythologies. BBC Symf. ork. Marin Alsop, Sakari Oramo
Antithesis. Contemporary Saxophone Music. CD
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Antithesis. Contemporary Saxophone Music. CD
Archipelago.  Percussionsmusik af Luis Tinoco. CD
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Archipelago. Percussionsmusik af Luis Tinoco. CD
Art ´N´Voices; Midnight Stories. Ny Polsk Musik. CD
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Art ´N´Voices; Midnight Stories. Ny Polsk Musik. CD
As if a river were singing....CD
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As if a river were singing....CD
Asenjo, Florencio: Birth of Venus / El Gran Teatro del Mundo m.m.
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Asenjo, Florencio: Birth of Venus / El Gran Teatro del Mundo m.m.
Ball, Christopher: The Piper of Dreams (Music for Wind)
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Ball, Christopher: The Piper of Dreams (Music for Wind)
Bart Spaan. Inland. Ny musik for bas klarinet, fløjte, bas trombone og elektronik.
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Bart Spaan. Inland. Ny musik for bas klarinet, fløjte, bas trombone og elektronik.
Beaser / Copland / Muczynski / Liebermann: American Tapestry - Duos for Flute & Piano
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Beaser / Copland / Muczynski / Liebermann: American Tapestry - Duos for Flute & Piano
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Danacord Butik | Vognmagergade 9 | 1120 København K | CVR nummer: 72 91 10 16
E-mailadresse: daco@danacord.dk | Telefon: +45 33 11 22 51